
Your Working Girl is a fundraising, community organizing and communications specialist who ran her own consulting company for 16 years, sold that company to an even more successful agency and as an independent consultant and edits The Charity Report. She has designed and executed advocacy and fundraising campaigns for some of Canada’s largest charities, international NGOs as well as grassroots organizations. She is widely recognized as a fundraising and advocacy leader and one of the country’s foremost experts on how to carve a path through the increasingly complex dynamics in the charitable sector. Prior to establishing Gail Picco Associates in 1990, she worked as a counsellor at Interval House, Canada’s oldest shelter for abused women and children, for eight years. She published her first book, What the Enemy Thinks: A Beck Carnell Novel, which is set in the nonprofit sector. Click here for more info.  Her recent book of non-fiction, Cap in Hand:  How Charities Are Failing the People of Canada and the World is available by clicking here.

A Newfoundlander by birth, a writer and strategist by trade, YWG entered the blogosphere in 2010 and, finally, wanting to give herself enough rope, she expanded her site in 2013. Her readers have this to say about her:

“You are so funny, so honest, a natural comedian. I just chuckle.”

“You – like the rest of us – have no basis for a position on this story.”

“AMEN. Thanks for the reasoned article and more importantly for the work that you do.”

“Careful what you say about Jesse Brown. He might block you.”

“Best thing I’ve read on this subject. Huge admiration.”

“Your entire piece is so filled with logical fallacies I could barely make it to the end.”

Areas of particular interest to Your Working Girl include hypocrisy, rampant capitalism and women’s issues in addition to, but not mutually exclusive, media, marketing and the nonprofit sector.  She also writes about baseball, music and, when she wants to see her blog stats take a nose dive, Formula 1 Racing.

“I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means; what I want and what I fear.” 
― Joan Didion